Kweichow Moutai 580ml 53% 2007 中国 入手困難 | Shop at Mercari from Japan! | Buyee
Kweichow Moutai 580ml 53% 2007 中国 入手困難 | Shop at Mercari from Japan! | Buyee,515KB,WuXing Moutai 2007, 酱香型- 53度瓶口生产日期清晰,其中5瓶酒标有磨损6瓶(500ml)本场拍卖所有茅台酒(包括本拍卖品)只可安排 中国大陆境内运送,或于我们上海的仓库提取。All Moutai in this Sale (including this lot) can only be shipped within mainland China or ,94KB,Only 24 hours left to bid in the Moutai-only live sale at the #SothebysHongKong Maison., Leading the sale is the highly sought after Kweichow Moutai aged 80 years released in 2002, along with rare