A comprehensive insight into the effects of punicalagin on pepsin: Multispectroscopy and simulations methods - ScienceDirect
A comprehensive insight into the effects of punicalagin on pepsin: Multispectroscopy and simulations methods - ScienceDirect,Electronic structure, magnetic properties and magnetocaloric performance in rare earths (RE) based RE2BaZnO5 (RE = Gd, Dy, Ho, and Er) compounds - ScienceDirect,A comprehensive insight into the effects of punicalagin on pepsin: Multispectroscopy and simulations methods - ScienceDirect,Advanced Magnetocaloric Materials for Energy Conversion: Recent Progress, Opportunities, and Perspective - Zhang - 2024 - Advanced Energy Materials - Wiley Online Library,When a Plateau Suppresses a Plume: Disappearance of the Samoan Plume Under the Ontong Java Plateau - Jackson - 2024 - AGU Advances - Wiley Online Library