Wavy2 Joint (W2J)|Joint|POOL TECHNOLOGY|Mezz Cues: High Quality High Performance Cues, Shafts and Gear
Wavy2 Joint (W2J)|Joint|POOL TECHNOLOGY|Mezz Cues: High Quality High Performance Cues, Shafts and Gear,Mezz Ignite Shaft 30 inch Wavy Joint | Thailand Pool Tables,Review: Mezz Ignite Carbon Fiber Shaft // Deflection & Sound Tests,Wavy2 Joint (W2J)|Joint|POOL TECHNOLOGY|Mezz Cues: High Quality High Performance Cues, Shafts and Gear,Mezz Cues - Dominate the game with Ignite now in 8 different joint systems!!! Our IGNITE12.2 Shafts are available as a 29 or 30 inch in these joint types below: United Wavy