NH2-Fe3O4-regulated graphene oxide membranes with well-defined laminar nanochannels for desalination of dye solutions - ScienceDirect
NH2-Fe3O4-regulated graphene oxide membranes with well-defined laminar nanochannels for desalination of dye solutions - ScienceDirect,28584/28521 2.0625x3.625x0.9688,Monolayer square-Ag2X (X = S, Se): Excellent n-type thermoelectric materials with high power factors - ScienceDirect,Performance and response of coupled microbial fuel cells for enhanced anaerobic treatment of azo dye wastewater with simultaneous recovery of electrical energy | Environmental Science and Pollution Research,The stability of a graphene oxide (GO) nanofiltration (NF) membrane in an aqueous environment: progress and challenges - Materials Advances (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D0MA00191K