Immobilization of a Metal–Organic Framework on a Nanofiber Membrane as Artificial Platelets for Efficient Hemostasis | Advanced Fiber Materials
Immobilization of a Metal–Organic Framework on a Nanofiber Membrane as Artificial Platelets for Efficient Hemostasis | Advanced Fiber Materials,Slaked lime improves growth, antioxidant capacity and reduces Cd accumulation of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under Cd stress | Scientific Reports,Chronic arsenic exposure-provoked biotoxicity involved in liver-microbiota-gut axis disruption in chickens based on multi-omics technologies - ScienceDirect,Study of the thermal decomposition mechanism of FOX-7 by molecular dynamics simulation and online photoionization mass spectrometry - RSC Advances (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D0RA03443F,Development, applications and challenges of ReaxFF reactive force field in molecular simulations